Get found on Australia’s leading Vegan Business Directory

The Australian Vegan Business Directory helps Aussie vegans find their local vegan businesses. Our curated directory is made by vegans for vegans. 

Born of the simple idea that we would like to support all members of the Australian vegan business community the Australian Vegan Business Directory has a simple, easy to use interface that is tailored to your core target audience. 

We also recognise that many other, non-vegan owned businesses offer great support and services to the vegan community. Many restaurants and cafes now have vegan menus, hair dressers offer vegan products for their clients. Not only are these businesses sought out but we would love to support these businesses as they make efforts to support us.

We have a one-off $10 admin fee for each business you list. This is for the time spent ensuring all businesses are vegan owned or vegan friendly. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for details.

Made for Aussie vegan businesses

© 2023 All Rights Reserved. WordPress Development by Blue Kelpie.